
Main goal

  • Revisit glacial survival & postglacial dispersal using metabarcoding and innovative ancient DNA (aDNA) methods, with the ultimate aim of unifying phylogeography with palaeoecology.
  • Subgoals

  • Determine if boreal trees, dwarf shrubs and arctic herbs survived the glaciation in glacial or cryptic refugia.
  • Determine dispersal routes and calculate migration rates based on palaeo-phylogeography.
  • Model future distribution and genetic diversity based on past dispersal rates and pattern of genetic diversity.
  • Resources

    We are currently processing data from over 50 locations across Europe using a reference library of assembled genome skims from over 6000 individuals through PhyloNorway, PhyloAlps, and PhyloCarpates (Alsos et al. 2020).

    IceAGenT coring sites
    DNA collection sites for PhyloAlps (blue), PhyloCarpates (yellow), and PhyloNorway (purple).